System Management
1. External Internal Context Definition
It allows the definition of the internal and external context in which the organization operates, the Vision, the Mission, the Code of Ethics, the needs and expectations of the parties involved. Manages the ISO 9004:2009 Business Strategy Checklist: Manage an organization for lasting success.
2. Strategic Objectives
It allows to manage the Strategic Plan and the entire management cycle of the objectives from the definition of the program, to the feasibility analysis of the single objective, to the assignment and management of the activities with the frequency and the relative responsibility, the schedule with notification of notice and alert, the upload of documentation, the closure and the final balance, is input to the risk assessment process. Enables management of approval and information workflows.
3. Organizzation
It allows you to produce Job Description for activities and responsibilities, to produce the company organization chart and Management Systems.
4. Administration
It allows to produce the personal data sheets both for the data present in the Personnel Administration Database and for the data entered in the KRC®, such as the job title and the qualifications. Each resource is associated with the training booklet, the risk assessment form, the health protocol.
5. Performance Management
Manages the various components of the process: Objectives Management and Incentive System, Evaluation of Managerial Skills and Evaluation of Technical-Specialist Skills. It manages the organizational structure by enabling hierarchical leaders and evaluators.
6. Remuneration
Definition of remuneration policies. Management of incentive plans. Salary Analysis, remuneration sheet.
7. Training
It allows the management of the entire training process from the production of the course sheet, the identification and analysis of individual and collective needs, the approval of the training program, the planning of the courses, the register of participants, the management of the absent, the registration automatic in the training booklet, the evaluation of the courses by the superior, the verification of the effectiveness of the training activity by the referents, the preparation of the final training program.
8. Selection
It manages the entire process from the acquisition of CVs from the company's website, to the definition of the internal and external research project, to the identification of potential candidates, to the evaluation of the candidatures and any assessment tests, up to the recruitment. Create historical reports with ratings and information from the interviews.
9. Health Surveillance Process
It manages the health context, the definition of the Plan from the risk assessment, the health record, suitability and schedule.
10. Accident Management Procedure
It manages the Accident Panel from the accident report, the Accident Register, up to the definition of the IF, IG and other indicators.
11. Communication
It allows the management of activities from the definition of the Stakeholders, to the definition of the types of communication to the recording of communication activities. Enables targeted management of the communication and information process to both internal and external stakeholders.
Consultancy Support Privacy |
Privacy Assessment and gap Analysis to the new European Regulation 679/2016:
Privacy |
The European Privacy Regulation UE 679/2016 (GDPR) entered into force on 25 May 2016 and the deadline to comply with the new privacy obligations is set for 25 May 2018. The new privacy obligations envisaged by the European Privacy Regulation are numerous and involve the reformulation of business strategies, the reorganization of business processes, the redesign of the information system and the revision of contracts, delegations and appointments, managed in KRCTM. A data breach management flow is activated in KRCTM: from reporting, to evaluation, to communication and processing (data breach). The KRCTM defines the limits on the authorized processing of personal data and the criteria for transferring data outside the EU and for violation cases. On December 13th, the Group of European Guarantors (WP 29) approved three documents with indications and recommendations on important changes in the 679/2016 Data Protection Regulation, with a view to its application by the Member States as of May 2018. The guidelines, to which the Italian Guarantor has been actively involved, concern the "Data Protection Officer" (DPO), the right to data portability, the "lead authority" that will act as a "counter" single for transnational treatments. |
Integrated Areas and Flows
The processes of Audit, Targets, Operational Controls, Event Management and Non-Conformity and Re-examination are managed in integrated flows for the different Management Systems: Environment, Health and Safety, Quality, Energy, Privacy, Information Security, Anti-corr​uption, Social Responsibility.
Human Resources Area
- Registry File Management: allows you to manage the integration between the corporate HR Database and the KRC HR Database. It allows the production of personal data sheets: it associates the job, the qualifications and the legal and corporate titles; it composes the training booklet from the training flow, the risk assessment form from the risk assessment flow, the health protocol from the health surveillance flow, the PPE per task and distributed by the PPE flow.
- Organization charts: allows you to produce the corporate and legal organization chart.
- Roles and Responsibilities: allows the Job Description to be produced with regard to activities and responsibilities from the Procedures and Instructions Management flow.
Flow Norms and Laws for the Management of Legal Prescriptions
It allows to produce the regulatory framework, the systematization of the provisions contained in the provisions and to assess the legislative compliance by identifying methods of verification and control and those responsible. It generates the regulatory schedule with the sending of prescription notifications to the managers. The rules and laws and the provisions relating to the risk element will be displayed in the risk and environmental aspects forms.
Norms and Laws update service
KEISDATA provides the supply with a fortnightly update of the rules and laws characterized by Scope, Thematic, Sub-topic, Topic and Element of risk with relative upload of the legislative document. Generates the regulatory schedule with notifications to managers.
Autohorization management flow
It allows you to manage authorization from identification to assigning responsibilities. Create the authorization framework, manage the related activities and create the authorization register. Generates the schedule with notification of notice and registration of the successful completion with upload of the documentation.